Thursday, 5 April 2012


Today's inspiration is Blocked
I've not posted here, I'd be halfway to hell if the way there was paved with good blogging intentions.
I've been working full time on another project for the first two months of the  year, it came to fruition at the beginning of March and since then I've been regrouping and working out how to move forward creatively.
I made this image a while ago, it was how I was feeling at the time.  It isn't that I am blocked of ideas it is more that I am blocked with ideas.
I read somewhere that all it takes to start a project is five minutes.
Five minutes, count them on the fingers of my hand; five minutes to start something and when you've started you keep going.
It's a nice idea and chimes with the many projects I seem to have on the go, sometimes the most difficult part is sitting down and starting.
So while I may not be posting an idea a day I am definitely un-blocking myself five minutes at time.